(Pride in Battle)
It is with sadness that I write that our friend and colleague Sally lost her fight against cancer 2 weeks ago.
A memorial service was held for her at St Michael's Church in Bramhall, which was attended by family members, friends and colleagues. At the family's request, it was an occasion to celebrate Sally's life and spirit, which was exemplified by the bravery and dignity with which she faced her illness. Her son Josh led the way with this sentiment, choosing the song 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' to close the service.
She worked in the sports industry for 20 years, and football was her passion, especially Manchester City. The love and respect she had amongst her friends and family was evident from the number of people who were there to pay their respects. Many of the faces I didn't recognise - people who had worked with her over the years.
We are determined not to dwell on the sadness of the occasion; but, as Sally would have done; with her slightly stubborn, no-nonsense approach; we are picking ourselves up and cracking on with our fundraising.
It's all go in the craft department as I have been preparing hand made Christmas cards for a sale we are planning in October. I am reliably informed that this is the time when the discerning customer buys their Christmas cards, not the second week of December, which is the norm for me!
Gillian has been furnished with piles of pre-cut card and glittery paper to stick together and our houses are slowly being covered from top to bottom in a fine layer of glitter. It gets everywhere. My partner is not terribly impressed that Christmas has arrived in our house before we have had our summer holiday!
As we are in the holiday season, and lots of our family, friends and colleagues are away at the moment we haven't arranged any other events for this month, but when I return from my holidays in a few weeks time look out for our second cake sale - back by popular demand; and the much anticipated Football Quiz Night.
Also coming soon - more training updates including news (hopefully) of my Hood to Coast run and cycling attempts on the trails of Ontario, Canada.